Drupal Devel Module Code Checking out the form

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Checking out the form

To troubleshoot any problems we may encounter while editing the form, we need to inspect it. The devel module provides a kit of 5 functions to inspect the content of variables:

Function To inspect content of Content shown Using a recursive function
dsm() Any variable In a message Yes, perfect for all.
dvm() A complex variable, such as an object or array In a message No. Ugly print.
dpr() A complex variable, such as an object or array At the top of the page. Yes. Perfect for complex, ie: nested, objects and arrays.
dpm() A complex variable, such as an object or array In a message. Yes. Perfect for complex, ie: nested, objects and arrays.
dvr() Any variable At the top of a page. No. Ugly print.

To inspect complex nested arrays such as forms, you can use either dpr() or dpm()/dsm(). These functions pretty-print forms either at the top of the page, or in the 'message' area. dpm() and dsm() have the same behavior.