drupal 6

Drupal 6 how to one views with different block

webadmin's picture
how to one views with different block

hey.. i know what you looking for how to setup or make one views with different block field..

use button fields and "rearrange", "Rearrange fields" then click OVERIDE button then your block/page each status will be

"Status: using overridden values."

Drupal 6 Customizing the user profile pages

webadmin's picture

This illustrative example shows how easy it is to override theme functions using the User_profile pages as an example.

The solution:
This is how the exact same user profile looks after overriding the theme and applying a simple user_profile.tpl.php file in my theme directory.

Drupal 6 AJAX auto callback

webadmin's picture

Recently I had to figure out how to automatically refresh a Drupal block every 5 minutes. The concept is simple enough but since I am new to jQuery (javascript in general really) and Drupal it was difficult for me to find a straight forward example.

Drupal 6 Trim Node Content

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While working on an aggregation site recently I needed to find a way to truncate the length of aggregated posts so that they only showed the first 200 or so characters of the post.

Drupal 6 Overide Form search_box

webadmin's picture

Simply want the ability to remove the default text "Search this site: " from the $search_box variable when theming in Drupal 6, i want to change as well as possibly the submit button's text from "Search" to "Go!" or something like that...

Put this code on template.tpl.php

Drupal 6 Custom Login in block PHP Code

webadmin's picture

This is a very simple block to display a link to the login page when the user is not logged in and to display a logout link when the user is logged in. Create a custom block and set the input filter to php.

Drupal 6 AJAX in Drupal Node Forms

webadmin's picture

Recently, for the first time with Drupal 6, I needed to create a form where a variable number of fields could be added to it by simply clicking a 'Add more' button. I wanted to design a node form where users could create a custom compilation album of their favourite tracks.
