Sima - A'thuna Al Thoufuli Original Song From Remi Bandali 1985 - A3touna Ettofouli

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Sima - A'thuna Al Thoufuli اعطونا الطفولة

I love this song .. emotional song of What happen in The Middle East Countries ... but As a Mosleem,.. 
Be careful, sometimes we must be sensitive from the lyrics of the song that we sing, whether its the correct spelling and wording ?

do not reject the possibility of the lyrics of a song, is a cult or a demand for something other than ALLAH :( 

Here are the lyrics to the song sang by Ghina Bou Hamdan on The Voice Kids .
Ghina has made the song popular again , and the Arab co0mmunities (most of them at least) felt for Ghina and for the other victimized children of the Arab world .

غنى بو حمدان – اعطونا الطفولة - مرحلة الصوت وبس – MBCTheVoiceKids

War has deprived a  lot of them of their basic childhood necessities .

 جينا نعيدكم… بالعيد منسألكم

Jeena N’ayedkon … Bel-Eid Mnes’alkon

We’ve came to wish you happy holidays … and during the holidays we ask you

ليش ما في عنا… لا أعياد ولا زينة

Lesh Ma Fee ‘Enna … La ‘Ayyad Wala Zeineh

Why is that we do not have any holidays or decorations
يا عالم

Ya ‘Alam change to  Ya 'Allah

Ye , World change to  Ya 'Allah

أرضي محروقة

Ardhi Mahroo’a

My land is burned down

أرضي حرية مسروقة

Ardhi Huriyyeh Masroo’a

My land is stolen freedom

سمانا عم تحلم… عم تسأل الأيام

Samana ‘Am Tehlam … ‘Am Tes’al El-Ayam

Our sky is dreaming , asking the days

وين الشمس الحلوة… ورفوف الحمام

Wein Esh-Shames El-Helwe … W-Rfouf El-Hamam

where is the beautiful sun … and where is the fluttering of the doves ?

يا عالم

Ya ‘Alam change to  Ya 'Allah

Ye , World change to  Ya 'Allah

أرضي محروقة

Ardhi Mahroo’a

My land is burned down

أرضي حرية مسروقة

Ardhi Huriyyeh Masroo’a

My land is stolen freedom


أرضي زغيرة… متلي زغيرة

Ardhi Zgheere … Metli Zgheere

My land is small … like me , it is small
ردولها السلام… اعطونا الطفولة

Redoulha Es-Salam …. ‘Atouna Et-Tufoole

Give the peace back to it , give us childhood

اعطونا الطفولة

A’touna Et-Tufoole

Give us the childhood
اعطونا الطفولة

A’touna Et-Tufoole

Give us the childhood

أعطونا الطفولة

A’touna Et-Tufoole

Give us the childhood
اعطونا… اعطونا… اعطونا السلام

A’touna … ‘Atouna … ‘Atouna Es-Salam

Give us … give us … give us peace .


Remi Bandali’s performance . Original song

Coretan Hati