
Galley Photo Avatar Fun Animals

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Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk
Turtle Punk

My punk animals avatar collection category ..... collection only. yay :()
- Monkey
- Tiger
- Turle
- Pigs
- Lamb
- and many more

Setelah bercinta dengan 4 wanita dalam sehari si Rigo terkulai lemas

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Melbourne, Australia - Hari yang melelahkan bagi Rigo seekor Gorilla dari Melbourne Australia, ini adalah pekerjaan yang sangat sulit, dan jelas melelahkan, tapi seseorang telah harus melakukannya. Rigo baru saja dikawinkan dengan empat betina dalam satu hari.

My Name is Boo

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He has nearly two million fans and a book deal. But Boo isn't a reality TV star, actor or a pop singer - he's a pet dog.

The five-year-old Pomeranian has the fame most celebrities dream of after amassing 1.79million fans on social networking site Facebook.

And Boo is also a hit with the ladies. He attracted the attention of Hollywood stars including Khloe Kardashian, who posted a picture of the dog on her blog last year and singer Ke$ha, who Tweeted that Boo was 'her new boyfriend.'