
Drupal jQuery Comment Form Above Comment List

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I would like to move the "COMMENT FORM" above of the existing comments list.
But i wont hacking core for it by default when drupal core especialy D6 comment FORM is bellow of comment list.
Without hacking core or by modules code, it is imposible to change.

jQuery addclass first and last divs from a list of items

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For instance this set of divs (also is possible with li, a, etc..):


with Jquery you can select first and last item, in this case, to add a class to first/last target elements (put this in the end of your view results template):

Drupal 6 AJAX auto callback

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Recently I had to figure out how to automatically refresh a Drupal block every 5 minutes. The concept is simple enough but since I am new to jQuery (javascript in general really) and Drupal it was difficult for me to find a straight forward example.

jQuery Rollovers Using “this”

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JQuery Rocks

jQuery Rollovers Using “ this ” If you’ve been programming in PHP, or other object oriented languages, you may have come across “this” or “self”. With jQuery, we can write $(this) to select an element in the DOM (Document Object Model).

JQUERY demonstrates a little plugin called 'hoverpulse' which grows

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This is Sytle This pages demonstrates a little plugin called 'hoverpulse' which grows, Take a look yay.. heheh Inject please aah. :D