how to

PHP Cookies Code Snippet

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If we need to keep track of something variables and it needs to work with the user not logged in ( anonymouse ), what you want to do is use a cookie to keep track on it.

GIT How to #1

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git adalah kontrol sumber manajemen (SCM) sistem utama yang banyak digunakan oleh Advance coder / developer software, digunakan biasanya oleh sejumlah coder dalam sebuah group. Awalnya secara khusus diciptakan oleh Linus Torvalds untuk mengelola sumber kernel Linux.

Hydrogen Cell Simple Demo Build Example 001

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A fuel cell is a device that converts a fuel such as hydrogen, alcohol, gasoline, or methane into electricity directly. A hydrogen fuel cell produces electricity without any pollution, since pure water is the only byproduct.

jQuery Rollovers Using “this”

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JQuery Rocks

jQuery Rollovers Using “ this ” If you’ve been programming in PHP, or other object oriented languages, you may have come across “this” or “self”. With jQuery, we can write $(this) to select an element in the DOM (Document Object Model).

Drupal theme function overriding

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For those new to Drupal the term Drupal theming can sound a little scary but really it really isn’t something you should fear!
Drupal theming in its simplest form in just a HTML/CSS layout with a bunch of PHP tags dropped in.